D-fine Healthy Diabetes Management programme
YDA is pleased to have recently launched the D-fine Healthy Diabetes Management programme. The pilot scheme is partially sponsored by the Chellaram Foundation to provide a one-year “Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring Scheme”.
For a child with Type 1 diabetes to maintain good health, they must administer at least four insulin injections a day and measure their blood glucose levels four to six times.
Hong Kong’s public healthcare system provides insulin free of charge, but families must pay for the other essential medical supplies themselves. This includes blood glucose testing monitors, lancets, blood testing strips, syringes and alcohol swabs. This financial burden, which can reach HK$2,000 per month, is a source of anxiety for families with limited income.
Parents who cannot afford the supplies might decide to cut corners on their child’s daily healthcare regimen, thus endangering their child’s ability to lead a healthy and normal life. For example, families that cannot afford the blood test strips will cut down on the number of daily blood tests. This results in poor blood glucose management, potentially leading to complications. To address this gap, YDA set up the Financial Assistance Programme (FAP) for children under 18, or full-time students under 25, diagnosed with diabetes. Potential beneficiaries are referred by their own endocrinologist, and approval of applications are based on family household income and status.
The new D-fine Healthy Diabetes Management programme further enhances the FAP programme. It aims to give FAP members the opportunity to use more advanced technology to maintain better management of their diabetes. Thereby further decreasing the chances of developing long-term complications that patients with limited income are vulnerable to. The programme is currently only open those who are part of the FAP. Ten beneficiaries have been selected.
YDA would like to thank the Chellaram Foundation for their generous sponsorship of D-fine Healthy Diabetes Management programme.

Find out more about the Financial Assistance Programme.