Having diabetes doesn’t stop you going on holidays. Your Mum, Dad and you, just need plan ahead to make sure you have everything you need.
Here are some tips for planning ahead

- Before a big trip, get a medical check-up four to six weeks ahead. Your doctor or nurse will review your diabetes care plan and give you some tips. Also check you have the correct immunisation, if you are going a different country.
- Ask your doctor for a letter explaining your diabetes medicines, supplies, and any allergies.
- Get and wear diabetes identification in the languages of the countries you will visit.
- Learn to adjust your diabetes routine; crossing time zones, eating new foods, having a different routine, hot/cold weather, will all affect your glucose levels.
- Take plenty of your favourite snacks in case you get delayed or you don’t like the food.
What to pack
- Double the amount of diabetes medicine and supplies needed in our carry-on luggage.
- Remember to carry your hypo treatment with you at all times including Glucagon for emergencies.
- Insulated bag and blue ice to keep insulin cool. It won’t work properly if it gets too hot
- Spare diabetes kit in case something stops working or is lost.
- Medical insurance card and emergency numbers. Your mum and day will need to get some holiday insurance that covers your diabetes in case you get sick on holiday.
- First aid kit including: Bandages, gauze, and topical antiseptic, pain reliever, medicines to treat diarrhoea and motion sickness, sunscreen and insect spray
When flying
- Tell the flight attendant you have diabetes.
- Keep your diabetes medicines with you – don’t store them in the overhead compartment.
- Every one to two hours, move around to increase comfort and reduce risk of blood clots.
Do more blood tests while you’re travelling especially for
the first couple of days of your holiday. Enjoy yourself.